Wednesday, January 14

some things I've been thinking about...

Today I thought of a quote, that I've never heard before so I'm going to claim it. It goes like this: "When we're young we need adults around to help us mature, and when we're old we need kids around to keep us young." - Wade H. Johnson

Something like that anyway, I need to work on the wording.

But here's another thought..."God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them" - Genesis 1:27. So, when we die to ourselves and empty all of our baggage and junk and stuff, what's left over? God's image? I think so. God created us in His image for a reason, and it wasn't so we could cover it up with junk. Let's dump that junk and reveal the image of God. Sound good?


Anonymous said...

sounds real good baby.
thanks for sharing this.
and great quote!

Anonymous said...

yep. sounds good